Pascal adalah bahasa pemrograman yang pertama kali di buat oleh Profesor Niklaus Wirth, seorang
anggota International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) pada tahun
1971. Dengan mengambil nama dari matematikawan Perancis, Blaise Pascal, yang
pertama kali menciptakan mesin penghitung, Profesor Niklaus Wirth membuat
bahasa Pascal ini sebagai alat bantu untuk mengajarkan konsep pemrograman komputer kepada
mahasiswanya. Selain itu, Profesor Niklaus Wirth membuat Pascal juga untuk
melengkapi kekurangan-kekurangan bahasa pemrograman yang ada pada saat itu.
Kelebihan dari bahasa pemrograman
Pascal adalah:
Tipe Data Standar, tipe-tipe data standar yang telah
tersedia pada kebanyakan bahasa pemrograman. Pascal memiliki tipe data standar: boolean, integer, real, char, string,
User defined Data Types, programmer
dapat membuat tipe data lain yang diturunkan dari tipe data standar.
Strongly-typed, programmer harus menentukan tipe data dari suatu
variabel, dan variabel tersebut tidak dapat dipergunakan untuk menyimpan tipe
data selain dari format yang ditentukan.
Terstruktur, memiliki sintaks yang memungkinkan penulisan program
dipecah menjadi fungsi-fungsi kecil (procedure dan function) yang dapat dipergunakan
Sederhana dan Ekspresif, memiliki
struktur yang sederhana dan sangat mendekati bahasa manusia (bahasa Inggris)
sehingga mudah dipelajari dan dipahami.
PASCAL juga merupakan bahasa yang digunakan sebagai standar bahasa pemrograman
bagi tim nasional Olimpiade Komputer Indonesia (TOKI). Selain itu, Bahasa PASCAL masih digunakan dalam IOI
(International Olympiad in Informatics).
Tipe Bahasa
Dalam bahasa
Pascal terdapat beberapa jenis tipe data yang bisa digunakan untuk sebuah
variabel atau konstanta pada program. Tipe Data tersebut antara lain adalah
Tipe Data
(range variabel)
angka dari
0 sampai 255
angka dari
-32768 to 32767
semua nilai
pecahan dari 1E-38 to 1E+38
nilai TRUE
atau FALSE
karakter dari tabel ASCII
huruf, spasi, frase
Hello Word
Program HelloWorld;
writeln('Hello world');
Kelemahan Kekurangan bahasa pascal :
Ø Versi awal Pascal kurang cocok untuk aplikasi bisnis karena dukungan
basisdata yang terbatas.
Ø Sintaks Pascal terlalu bertele-tele
Ø Tidak mendukung pemrograman berorientasi objek
Ø Pascal tidak fleksibel dan banyak kekurangan yang dibutuhkan untuk
membuat aplikasi yang besar.
is a programming language which was first made by Professor Niklaus
Wirth, a member of the International Federation of Information
Processing (IFIP) in 1971. By
taking the name of the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, who first
creates a calculating machine, Professor Niklaus Wirth made the Pascal
language is as a tool for teaching computer programming concepts to
students. In
addition, Professor Niklaus Wirth Pascal also made to complement the
shortcomings of existing programming languages at the time.
Excess of the Pascal programming language are:
§ Standard Data Types, standard data types are already available in most programming languages. Pascal has a standard data types: boolean, integer, real, char, string,
§ User defined Data Types, programmers can create other data types derived from standard data types.
§ Strongly-typed, the programmer must specify the data type of a variable, and variables can not be used to store data types other than the specified format.
§ Structured, has a syntax that allows the writing program is broken down into smaller functions (procedures and functions) that can be used repeatedly.
§ Simple and expressive, has a simple structure and very close to human language (English) so it is easy to learn and understand.
PASCAL language is also the language used as the standard programming language for the Indonesia national team Olympic Computer (TOKI). In addition, the PASCAL language is still used in the IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics).
Type of Language
In the language Pascal, there are several types of data that can be used for a variable or constant in the program. The data types include
Excess of the Pascal programming language are:
§ Standard Data Types, standard data types are already available in most programming languages. Pascal has a standard data types: boolean, integer, real, char, string,
§ User defined Data Types, programmers can create other data types derived from standard data types.
§ Strongly-typed, the programmer must specify the data type of a variable, and variables can not be used to store data types other than the specified format.
§ Structured, has a syntax that allows the writing program is broken down into smaller functions (procedures and functions) that can be used repeatedly.
§ Simple and expressive, has a simple structure and very close to human language (English) so it is easy to learn and understand.
PASCAL language is also the language used as the standard programming language for the Indonesia national team Olympic Computer (TOKI). In addition, the PASCAL language is still used in the IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics).
Type of Language
In the language Pascal, there are several types of data that can be used for a variable or constant in the program. The data types include
Tipe Data
(variable range)·
numbers from 0 to 255 | |
numbers from -32 768 to 32 767 | |
all fractional values of 1E-38 to 1E +38 | |
TRUE or FALSE value | |
all the characters from the ASCII table | |
all letters, spaces, phrases |
Hello WordExample Hello World program using pascal language is as follows:HelloWorld program;beginwriteln ('Hello world');
Weaknesses Lack of pascal language:
Ø The initial version of Pascal is less suitable for business applications because of the limited database support.
Ø Pascal syntax is too long-winded
Ø Does not support object-oriented programming
Ø Pascal is not flexible and required a lot of flaws to make large applications.
Weaknesses Lack of pascal language:
Ø The initial version of Pascal is less suitable for business applications because of the limited database support.
Ø Pascal syntax is too long-winded
Ø Does not support object-oriented programming
Ø Pascal is not flexible and required a lot of flaws to make large applications.
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